Just returned from the most amazing trip ever, which included two days and three nights in Providence, RI, where I attended the 10th Certified Zentangle Teacher Seminar! Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas are dear people and wonderful teachers. I came away well equipped and eager to begin teaching the art form that has revolutionized my thinking about art and my own abilities to create it.
After Providence, my husband (of almost 37 years) and I took our dream vacation: a fall foliage trip to New England! We spent three days in Plymouth/Boston, three days in Maine, drove across New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York to Niagra Falls, then home to Kansas. An astounding, perfect trip. We had so much fun and saw the most amazing fall color of our lifetimes. We spent the night at a B & B on Cape Ann, MA - in a room not more than 20 yards from the ocean, took a Segway Tour in Portland, ME, took a five hour scenic railway trip through the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Visited Fort Ticonderoga and drove through Adirondack National Park, and visited Canada and Niagra Falls - eighteen days and nights. What a profound blessing, for which we humbly thank the Lord God.
I'm working hard to set up the business end of teaching Zentangle®, and hope to be ready to announce my first class within the next week. I'm tentatively planning on holding my first class in my home the 2nd or 3rd week of November. Stay tuned! ♥