Deep Magic Tangles

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Sermon Notes

 I'm still alive! And actually creating again...thank you, Lord! I've been dabbling with watercolor painting and loving it, but since this is my blog dedicated to Zentangle, I'll share my latest tangling fun. I mostly tangle on Sundays, now, on my church bulletin during sermons! Like many folks, I listen best when my hands are occupied, so I keep a pencil and Sakura Micron 01 pen in my Bible! :)

I'm so grateful Zentangle is bringing me joy again. I did take a wonderful Zentangle class with Eni Oken not too long ago...I'll post on that soon...and my watercolor journey!! God is good all the time - all the time God is good.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Latest Making Mania

I've been in a long, dark creative slump for a couple of years. The past eighteen months have been the hardest eighteen months of my sixty-one year life, and my creativity has not been the only thing to suffer. But! The Lord is so faithful to me, and my determination to trust Him with all the moments of my life has borne fruit in small ways. I am finding joy and rest in Him, and learning how to navigate life with deep grief and pain as my constant companions. They are not pleasant companions, but they are uniquely mine, and I am learning to accept them. Acceptance of circumstances that I cannot change is key to pressing on and choosing joy...and I am pressing on and choosing joy. That's the first time I've written my thoughts is cathartic, and thank you for listening.

I'm part of a Facebook group called Bitty Bookz. A lovely, talented CZT colleague of mine, Chris Titus, created a tiny book using Zentangle tiles, and offered a tutorial on how to do it ourselves. You can find her tutorial here:
I love book making and tiny things, so I was immediately smitten.

One of my granddaughters is a talented crafter, so after I made my own test Bitty Book (pictured first), she and I made five more for herself and four cousins. What fun! I failed to take progress photos, but below are the three books made for young cousins. We all went shopping and each cousin chose their book covers and closures. These books measure 1.75"X3.5". 💖

I loved shopping for fabric for my first book, and found this embroidered Batik
...along with that darling Bumble Bee charm! 💕

One of the beauties of this tiny book, is that it's drum leaf binding allows
the book to lie flat - perfect for drawing/writing in!

For the spine, I used card stock that I embossed with my  Cuttlebug! 

What a blessing to make something again. Thank you, God, for my hands that work well and without pain, for my well stocked studio, for my eyes that still see well...for every good and perfect gift that comes down from You. Thank you. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Helloooo! I'm Still Alive!

I don't even know how to explain why I haven't posted in...gulp..over three years. I don't really have to explain to you, though, do I? You know. You know, because your life is just like mine. So we'll just move along, OK??

I haven't been creating much this year. Been a tough year, and my creative bone has been, well, a little broken. I did make some bookmarks, which is kind of my favorite thing the past two-three years. They're small, don't take much time, and I really enjoy personalizing them and giving them as birthday and special occasion remembrances.

This year I made one for each of my oldest three daughters. My youngest daughter's birthday had already passed when I had the idea, so hers is coming next year. I find bookmarks for guys a little trickier somehow, so my son's is still in the offing, too.

I got out my calligraphy stuff last May and enjoyed practicing and piddling with it for a few weeks, so I used my lovely brush markers for their names. When they were small, I had a plaque in each of their rooms with their name and the meaning of their name on it. Name meanings are important.

Number One is the picture of diligence. So faithful, so steadfast, such a strong woman of conviction. Her favorite book is The Count Of Monte Cristo

Number Three is truly a "Bright One". Brings light and love and laughter everywhere she goes. She loves gems and sparkles (like me!), so I created some tangled gems for hers.

Number Two is our darling peacemaker. She was the middle child for seven years until Number Four came along. Middle children learn a lot about getting along. Such a precious, tender heart...but more grit and determination than can be measured. Her great love is horses. These last two were my first foray into tangling with just pencil, for a lighter, ethereal look. Kind of cool.

Thanks for bearing with me over these dry years. You're my kindred spirits. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Dynamic Duo

I rarely submit anything to the Diva's Challenge, but this week it definitely called my name. Auraknot and Mooka are two of my favorite tangles. I decided to do a quick one, and I also decided to (gasp) use my 2013 "Tangle A Day" calendar that I've had over a year and...not tangled a day.

So here's a hearty shout out to my lovely friend and talented creator and author of the "Tangle A Day" calendar...CAROLE OHL of Open Seed Arts! Thanks, Carole, for such a lovely book, such lovely paper, such lovely Zentangle art. You're the best!

So, without further ado, here is my duo tangle featuring Auraknot and Mooka!

Thanks, to the Diva herself, Laura Harms, for this great combination!